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向上的束缚 is a federally funded program whose goal is to motivate and provide academic assistance to eligible high school students who show promise for success in education beyond high school.

Located on the campus of 最靠谱的网赌软件, the 向上的束缚 Program has two phases, a 夏季居住阶段 和一个 学年阶段. 在夏天, students gain the opportunity to stay on-campus and receive intensive classroom instructions to prepare them for the upcoming school year. 在学年阶段, students attend sessions on Saturdays and receive individualized tutorial instructions designed to enhance their performance in high school classes.


The program is offered to ninth through eleventh graders who reside in Norfolk public high schools and to its middle school students who are rising ninth graders. 它也提供给居住在朴茨茅斯的高中生, Virginia who attend 丘奇兰高中 and to middle school rising ninth graders who will be attending 丘奇兰高中.

The faculty consists of local high school teachers and 最靠谱的网赌软件's faculty, 谁也提供工作坊和研讨会. 老道明的学生在这个项目中担任辅导员. They assist the instructors in the classroom and communicate with the 向上的束缚 students on a more personal basis.


  • 符合联邦准则规定的收入资格标准
  • be a potential first-generation college bound student (neither of whose parent(s) received a baccalaureate degree)
  • 他被九年级录取了, 10th, 或者是11年级, 并在录取时被目标地区的一所高中录取
  • 在被录取的时候,至少要年满13岁,并且是即将升入九年级的学生
  • 是美国公民或国民
  • 住在诺福克或朴茨茅斯
  • have a need for academic support in order to successfully pursue a program of study in education beyond high school


Academic services provided by the program include classroom instructions and tutorial assistance in English, 阅读, 数学, 科学与实验科学, 外语, 社会Research和选修课程.

大学之旅 & 文化的浓缩

Field trips are provided to increase students' awareness of their environment and college admissions' requirements.


往返大学旅游的交通, 特殊的活动, and 文化的浓缩 activities is provided for participants by the 向上的束缚 Program.


指导 & 咨询服务

采用发展性建议方法, 协助学生制定适当的大学计划, 学术决策, 还有职业选择.


津贴 are given for program participation each Saturday during the academic year. 在夏季住宿部分,每周也有津贴. 以获得津贴, the participant must show evidence of satisfactory participation in program activities to include: regular attendance and improve academic performance.


Booker T. 华盛顿高中

Liasion:女士. Lakeshia梅耶斯

(757) 628-3572


Liasion:博士. 罗宾·斯垂顿

(757) 892-3215


Liasion:先生. 沃尔特托马斯

(757) 852-4508


Liasion:女士. Lekeya。马森博格

(757) 686-2500



(757) 451-4116


Liasion:先生. 弗兰克•布朗

(757) 628-3369


当国际知名女演员维奥拉·戴维斯在 好莱坞星光大道 1月. 5, two special people will be among the many around the world cheering her on: Her older sister, Deloris格兰特, 也是这对姐妹最早的表演教练, 罗恩·斯泰森毡帽.联邦向上跳跃计划将这三者联系在一起.

As teenagers, Deloris and Viola in 1979 enrolled together in the six-week intensive 罗德岛学院的上进项目. 在斯泰森在大学预科学校工作的唯一一个夏天,他们就这样做了, 为低收入家庭或“第一代”学生提供的学生成功计划,这意味着他们的父母没有获得大学学位.

罗恩在去年12月底的一次采访中回忆说,这份工作是“来自天堂的甘露”. 为什么? 除此之外,他还能让青少年接触到对戏剧的严肃追求, 很多都是第一次, 他开玩笑说, “我不得不给我的车加油."

罗恩, who has worked in theater for decades and who is a senior member of the acting staff at New York's Neighborhood Playhouse, admired Viola long before she had garnered two Academy Award nominations (for the movies "Doubt" and "The Help,") and decades before she won an Emmy (for her lead role in "How to Get Away With Murder"). He recalls a driven 14-year-old who was undaunted by his tough-love approach to teaching drama. 对他在她生命中扮演的角色感到谦卑, 罗恩表示, “我再怎么强调都不为过:这是维奥拉的故事, 不是我的."

罗恩让学生们想当演员的请举手. 所有的人都举手了. 他强调了演艺事业的艰难, 高失业率, 职业机会的稀少, 更别说成功了, 越来越多的人伸出手来,最后只剩下维奥拉的手.

“我喜欢她。”罗恩回忆道. “我很了解自己,所以我把很多自我带进了那个房间. 但她是个意志坚定的孩子. 我是说,维奥拉才14岁! But she didn't back down; as Viola herself told the New Yorker, she was reaching for the ceiling."

她记得自己在一个只有一个兄弟和五个姐妹的贫穷家庭中长大. 然而,“向上跳跃”计划对整个家庭来说是一个亮点. When asked if she was enrolled in the student success program, she laughed and said, "Are you 在跟我开玩笑? 第一年, 我和(姐姐)黛安娜和安妮塔一起上过一些课,他们当时也参加了上进课程, 最小的妹妹, 丹尼尔, 还太小不能参加吗. (最终,戴维斯五姐妹都获得了大学学位.)

Deloris said spending six summer weeks at Rhode Island College in classes with Viola drew the sisters closer together and was a galvanizing experience. “我们的生活交织在一起,”德洛里斯说. “离开家六周, 发展我自己的自我意识, 做戏剧, 上课, 就像一个, 巨大的礼物."

然而,这个家庭却举步维艰. 当家里没有食物的时候, Deloris, Viola and their siblings sometimes would look through garbage for something to eat. 戏剧提供了一种逃避, although the experience of going to bed hungry was something that neither of them would ever forget -- one reason why Viola is now the ambassador for 饥饿是这是一个旨在结束美国儿童饥饿的项目.

尽管家里很穷,女孩们的教育生活却如日中天. 在每周六上进班和上高中之间, 他们一周上六天课. “向上跳跃的老师是我遇到过的最好的老师. 他们才华横溢,富有同情心. 他们把我当作一个知识分子,我不习惯这样. Previous to that experience I felt that others treated me differently because I was a black female,德洛丽丝说. “罗恩的课程解放了我,让我成为一名艺术家. 我意识到,你知道吗,也许我真的 am 重要的. 也许有一天我真的可以做一些伟大的事情."

The 向上的束缚 experience made such an impact on Deloris and Viola that they decided they wanted to start a scholarship fund for 向上的束缚 students as soon as they graduated from Rhode Island College. 启动基金, 1988年,她和维奥拉在学院上演了一场独角戏, 筹集200到300美元. 一开始很不起眼,但却是伟大事业的开始. 从那时起, 他们创立的基金, 罗德岛学院上进奖学金捐赠基金, has provided tens of thousands of dollars to help dozens of 向上的束缚 students pay for college tuition and books. 2012年,维奥拉凭借《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》获得奥斯卡提名,同为电影演员的梅丽尔·斯特里普, 和维奥拉共同出演了《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》,捐了10美元,向该基金捐款000英镑.

“维奥拉总是问我,‘有孩子饿了吗? 他们需要食物吗??“她为我高中的学生们付出了很多. 人们不知道,”德洛里斯说.

Deloris will be on the Hollywood sidewalk beside Viola as her sister's terrazzo and brass star is imbedded in cement to shine through the ages along with the leading lights of film.

至于罗恩, he remains humbled and a little amazed at the role he played in sparking interest in a 14-year-old 向上的束缚 student who has become one of the world's leading actresses. “艺术赋予人们力量,”他说. “在这个过程中,有人对维奥拉说‘是的’."



Phillip Killebrew, 2009届毕业生

菲利普毕业于. C. 2009年在Norcom高中. 我们的前任主任,李女士. 托利弗看中了菲利普,让他参加了这个项目. He came into the 向上的束缚 Program and took advantage of all the program had to offer.

He graduated from Virginia State University with a BS Degree in Mechanical Engineering. 他目前是通用动力电船公司的流体系统工程师. He is attending the University of New Haven pursuing MS degree in Engineering Operation Management.



三重奏向上发展计划是由联邦政府通过美国. S. 教育部,华盛顿特区.C. 20202. The 向上的束缚 Program at 最靠谱的网赌软件 has been funded for five years from 2022 through 2027.



Enhance your college career by gaining relevant experience with the skills and knowledge needed for your future career. 发现我们的体验式学习机会.


Picture yourself in the classroom, speak with professors in your major, and meet current students.


From sports games to concerts and lectures, join the ODU community at a variety of campus events.